The yellow circle is the image
point (Geographical Position) of the sun, where the
line from the sun to the center of the earth
intersects it's surface. The coordinates (latitude and
longitude) are the same as the declination and
Greenwich-Hour-Angle (GHA) of the sun. An observer
positioned in the Geographical Position of a star will
see the sun directly in the vertical, above his head.
A click into the map dispays the
coordinates, the shadow of a 50 pixel vertical gnomon,
and the elevation of the sun.
How to compute the position of the Sun
How to
compute the day/night terminator
The applet should
display the correct time difference
between zone time and Greenwich Time (GMT
Central European
Daylight Time = GMT + 2 hours
Central European Time = GMT + 1 hour
"time zone offset is +2 h" (for Central
European Daylight Time)
necessary, select the correct time zone
offset from the menu.
Please visit my
GeoAstro Applet
Applet Source
HTML Applet Tag:
<APPLET CODE="DayNightxxx.class"
archive="applet/JavaClasses.jar" NAME="Day &
Night" WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=290 ALIGN=bottom>