Latitude >0 for N, <0 for S
0 +1 -1 +2 -2 +3 -3 +4 -4 +5 -5 +6 -6 +7 -7 +8 -8 +9 -9 +10 -10 +11 -11 +12 -12
Longitude >0 for E, <0 for W
Coordinates of Cities around the World
UT is:
the Julian Day is:
the Declination of the Sun is:
the Equation of Time is:
Twilight 0 deg -0.83deg - 6 deg -12 deg -18 deg is at:
is at:
and h
Sunrise and Sunset is at:
the Length of Day is:
the Altitude is:
Declination and Equation of Time are computed by algorithms taken fromthe book of Meeus
Coordinates 52.51° N, 12.34° E are for Berlin/Germany
Last Modified:
© 2001 Jürgen Giesen